How To Get Your Dog To Stop Barking

how to get your dog to stop barking

How To Get Your Dog To Stop Barking

It is important to understand that barking is one of the main ways to communicate that your dog uses on a daily basis and that it is impossible to eliminate it entirely for that reason. There are methods to reduce barking to the minimum but you still want your dog to bark when asked or when something or someone potentially dangerous is approaching.

In order to learn how to get your dog to stop barking you will first need to understand the reasons why dogs bark. Majority of them will do it out of boredom and lack of attention. Very often canines are left alone for entire days and look for ways to entertain themselves. Barking is one of those ways.


how to get your dog to stop barkingHow To Get Your Dog To Stop Barking Part 1 – Keep Him Occupied

How to get your dog to stop barking? You will have to redirect his attention onto something that will keep him occupied. A good solution is to buy a Kong toy which can be stuffed with food and will force your four legged friend to work really hard in order to get it out piece by piece. You can also leave the radio or TV on. Not only will these devices mask background sounds that may trigger barking but also provide your dog with some entertainment for at least a few hours.


How To Get Your Dog To Stop Barking Part 2 – Make Him Exhausted

“Are there any other tips on how to get your dog to stop barking that I can use?” Yes, the easiest one is to make him tired! In order to do that take your four legged friend on a long walk and let him socialize with other animals. You can also sign him up for an obedience class or some other form of training. Mental exercises will make your dog even more exhausted so be sure to choose wisely. What you want to do here is to make your pet so tired that the only thing he can think of is sleeping.


How To Get Your Dog To Stop Barking Part 3 – Shoot Him From A Water Gun!

You can also stop your dog from barking by using a little bit of water. How? Every time your dog barks shoot him straight at his face from a water gun. This will be so shocking to him that he will instantly stop barking. Make sure to be consistent and squirt some water at his face every time he starts to bark. Always use the same command (e.g. ‘quiet’) while performing this trick in order to associate this word with the unpleasant feeling of being wet. In the future you will be able to use this command to stop your pet from making noise without having to use a water gun.


How To Get Your Dog To Stop Barking Part 4 – Perform Cordectomy (Not Recommended!)

If you’re really annoyed by all the barking you’re exposed to every day you might have considered the most drastic barking control method – cordectomy (also called ‘debarking’). It is a surgery that focuses on resizing dog’s vocal chords. Because it is harmful to the dog and doesn’t eliminate the causes of barking we don’t recommend this method.


How To Get Your Dog To Stop Barking – More Tips

Be sure to check the Dog Behavior section above to find out more tips on how to get your dog to stop barking.


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