Why Does My Dog Eat Poop

why is my dog eating poop

Why Does My Dog Eat Poop And How To Stop That Nasty Behavior?

If you want to stop your dog from eating poop this article should really help you out. Even though we still don’t know what is the exact reason for coprophagia there are methods that, if implemented properly, will teach your dog to stop this awful habit and redirect his attention to something more beneficial to both his mental and physical health. Before I share with you some of the best tips on how to stop dogs from eating poop you need to know that such behavior occurs mostly among young puppies, until they reach 12 months and will disappear with the flow of time, even if you don’t take any action.

“Ok, but why does my dog eat poop?”

It is believed that one of the most common causes of coprophagia is boredom.


Why Does My Dog Eat Poop? Because He’s Bored!

If your dog is permanently bored you need to sort out some entertainment for him pretty quickly or he will indulge in the bad habit of eating poop even more intensively. The best option would be to buy some toys, especially the chewing ones like Kongs because they can be stuffed with snacks and food and will force your pet to work really hard in order to get something out of them. You can also leave the TV on while you’re away or hire a pet sitter.


Why Does My Dog Eat Poop? Because He Has Too Much Energy

Try taking your dog on regular walks and let him socialize with other dogs. If he spends some time play-fighting with other animals he will quickly get tired and will look forward to going to bed instead of looking for poops. You can also sign your four legged friend to an obedience class or start training him by yourself. The combination of mental and physical efforts will make your dog extremely exhausted.

Still wandering “why does my dog eat poop”? Read below!

why does my dog eat poopWhy Does My Dog Eat Poop? Because You Allow Him To!

As an owner you should be aware of the most effective ways to stop your pet from eating poop. You cannon allow him to indulge in this behavior or he will reinforce the bad habit and will become uncontrollable in the future.

Try putting some spinach, pineapple or pumpkin into your dog’s meals. It is said that these plants smell horrible after being digested and eliminated and will effectively repel your dog. You can also add a bit of cayenne pepper or tabasco sauce to his stools. These are extremely strong smelling substances and your dog will definitely avoid getting in touch with them. If you don’t want to bother with all those methods mentioned above simply start collecting your dog’s feces and throw them away before your dog finds them.


Are You Still Wandering “Why Does My Dog Eat Poop”?

Check out the Dog Behavior section above for more information on ‘why does my dog eat poop‘ and how to fight with this undesired habit.


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